For 2013's long-awaited return of Arrested Development, Ignition worked with Netflix to create a truly unique way to interact with one of the show's fan-favorites, Dr. Tobias Fünke. The result was, a faux acting portfolio site where fans can download pre-keyed footage of Tobias in different outfits, and insert him into any image or video they please.
Throuhout the campaign, Tobias reached out to fellow actors and filmmakers via social media to try and make himself relevant as a big-shot actor on the handheld screen. With no paid promotion of the site, fans of the show rose to the call and created their own custom videos starring the world's favorite analrapist.
This sizzle reel was the "launch trailer" for the site, which was shared by the creator of the show, Ron Howard just after uploading it.
Below are motion tests by Sanketh, and his 50-Cent video at home just for fun.
Creative Director - Chris Eyerman
Creative Director - Paul Nguyen
Associate Creative Director - Spencer Donald
Copywriters - Arin Delaney and Nina Kaufmann
Austin Greene - Designer
Sanketh Yayathi - Motion Design/Compositing
Brian Tzec - Video Prep/Production Designer

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